Divine Service
Sundays @ 10:30am
Away from home? Concordia streams the Divine Service on our Facebook page (see link below).
Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the Family Life Center
Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the Education Wing
Thursday Evenings at 7pm in the Education Wing
(Women only)
Concordia's youth programs Koinonia and A.R.K. meet the 4th Wednesday of the month in the Education Wing
At Concordia Lutheran Church, our mission is to equip the saints of Christ to faithfully engage others in their vocations. Concordia seeks to do all things well through our reception of Christ in the Divine Service, the reading and studying of the Word in Bible Classes, the mutual consolation of the brethren through our fellowship, and sharing the love of God through acts of service to Sikeston.
Since 1919, Concordia Lutheran Church has served the community of Sikeston with tremendous zeal for the Gospel and renewed energy to bring all to a closer knowledge of the Gospel in Christ Jesus.
Concordia has entered a new season of life in 2023 as we seek to reach beyond our four walls to the Historic North End of Sikeston and beyond.
Concordia welcomes you home!